Sunday, December 7, 2008


This blog was started to share the idea of forming a "Springfield Illinois Historic Neighborhoods Council" (SPI-HNC). This will be an alliance of associations and individuals interested in advocating for older established neighborhoods in Springfield Illinois. Previously CNA (Council of Neighborhood Associations) represented all neighborhood associations in Springfield. However, we believe centrally located neighborhoods have much different needs and interests than outlying areas. SPI-HNC can best represent central Springfield with a wider base of support than other organizations.

Areas of immediate concern we plan to address include, Facilities Planning in Springfield Public School District #186 and the lack of infrastructure maintenance and improvements in the central neighborhoods. These issues are just symptoms of an overall larger problem, the tendency toward urban sprawl in the greater Springfield area, which extends infrastructure, utilities, police and fire protection further out to newly developed areas, which spreads the available tax money thinner and results in fewer resources available for maintenance, repairs, improvement and replacement of infrastructure in older neighborhoods.

Please see the next post regarding joining our group on "LinkedIn" and other posts listed at right .

Thanks, Bill

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